Crate simulation [] [src]

This crate provides functionality for configuring and running a simulation of a range-based tracking system.

Simulations are run by creating a SimulationRunner (using the new method) and calling the step method. Each step returns a new SimulationFrame which contains all the information about the simulation at a particular point in time.


SimulationConfig implements the Default trait, which allows you to quickly create and use a new SimulationRunner:

let num_steps = 100;
let dt = 1.0;

let mut simulation_runner = SimulationRunner::new(&Default::default());

for frame in (0..num_steps).map(|_| simulation_runner.step(dt)) {
    // Use simulation frame ...

Alternatively you can define a specific configuration by creating a SimulationConfig explicitly, or by loading one from a JSON file:

// Explicit configuration definition
let config = SimulationConfig {
    // Config options...

let mut simulation_runner = SimulationRunner::new(&config);

// Use simulation runner ...Run
// Json loading using serde_json
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;

let mut file = File::open("config.json").unwrap();
let config = serde_json::from_reader(&mut file).unwrap();

let mut simulation_runner = SimulationRunner::new(&config);

// Use simulation runner ...Run

For more information about custom configurations see the documentation for SimulationConfig.

Configuration options

The easiest way to configure the simulation is to load a JSON file with the desired settings and loading (as shown above). The default configuration corresponds to the following JSON file:

  "uavs": [
      "capture_rate": 1.0,
      "speed": 10.0,
      "controller": {
        "pattern_size": [50.0, 50.0],
        "pattern_center": [50.0, 50.0],
        "pattern_type": "Elliptical"
      "receiver": {
        "signal_noise": 0.01,
        "gain_pattern": "Uniform",
        "propagation_model": "FreeSpace"
  "animals": [
      "position": [50.0, 50.0],
      "speed": 0.6,
      "walk_variance": 0.1
  "map_size": [100.0, 100.0],
  "num_particles": 10000,
  "particle_noise": 2.0





A frame representing a single target (i.e. animal) at a particular point in time


A measurement taken by a UAV at a particular point in time


Configuration options for a simulation


A snapshot of the simulation at a particular point in time


A structure for running a configured simulation